Your Gateway to the Consciousness

The Life of the Chaan

People who are newly interested in SPQR2Gang may be wondering, who is the Chaan? The Grand Eternal Chaan is the most important man in SPQR2Gang history, and we consider him to be the most important man of all of history. But was he really that, and was he truly the son of a god? And is he really still alive today?

Synopsis of the Chaan’s Life

The Chaan was born in 764 CE in Faraj Bayt al-Dhahab (modern day Multan in Pakistan), with the birth name of Rashid. The first miracle of the Chaan was made when he spoke his first words: in the celestial Tongue of the Gang, which his mother immediately gained comprehension of, and he continued to speak throughout his life.

The Chaan took up his uncle’s trade as a merchant in the city, but in his early manhood decided to abandon merchanthood, and take up preaching. The Chaan preached his ideas of a good lifestyle, the constant need to refine oneself as a spiritual warrior, as well as his prophecies, which were later written down in The Book of Predictions. The Chaan let people know that he was a demigod, and that he had been sent to this world in order to prepare people for the ongoing spiritual war, by reminding people of the Ancestral Way, and exhibiting miracles, many of which were only recorded orally and therefore survive in later works written after his death. He gathered a small following who preached with him.

Some of the many miracles ascribed to the Chaan include predicting the weather, growing midgets, making water flow upwards and reversing age: turning an 80-year-old woman back into a lovely maiden of fifteen.

One night, the Chaan was visited by his Spiritual Father, who told him that in order to understand the truth about the spiritual war which he and his followers would engage in, he must visit the Wise Men of the Himalayas, and study under them with his followers, who would be refashioned into true spiritual fighters.

The Expedition of the Chaan, the adventure to the Himalayas, was the subject matter of the Ledger of the Gang, containing the espousal of G thought and the formation of the First Gang, written by five of the Chaan’s original followers. Here they discuss his sayings and doings on the journey and as they were in the Himalayas, meeting with the Wise Men themselves. Today we still celebrate the formation of the First Gang, when the followers (now Gs) of the Chaan were first joined together into a spiritual battalion, on the Day of the Gang.

Before the Gs returned home, the Chaan had written down all his predictions into a book, the Book of Predictions (or just The Book). Of his predictions included the arrival of a ‘Worldly Chaan’, who would ravage Baghdad, and destroy the world as they knew it. This was later known to refer to the Mongol Khan, and the sack of Baghdad in 1258 CE. This was his parting gift to the Gang, as the Chaan then retreated into the Mountains, to eternally meditate. The Gs each went to their separate parts of the world, to teach the Chaan’s message. This lead to the Dispersal of the Gang, who later regrouped into the Second Gang in Basra, Iraq.

Chaan FAQ

Was the Chaan really the son of a god?

Yes. Harbaamukh’s (ruler of the Ten Heavenly Realms) son in particular.

Is the Chaan physically still in the Himalayas?

Yes, but one of the great powers of the Chaan is that all those who see his true likeness without his own permission immediately perish.

Where can I get a copy of The Ledger or The Book?

Ask your local SPQR2Gang center, and they will be happy to give you one to borrow or buy.

So do you worship the Chaan as God?

The Chaan is not God or a god, he is the son of a god and therefore is a demigod. We worship the Chaan in his particular Grandness, his heavenly Father, who is a god (lowercase), or a heavenly being. We also have a concept of, and worship the absolute God permeating all that exists.