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Forbiddal of Producing Images of the Chaan

It is generally forbidden to produce images of the Chaan, but for a reason one might not expect.

The Chaan’s likeness is so potent that anyone, not permitted by him to gaze upon it, would immediately suffer death. The Ledger of the Gang speaks of an incident at an inn where the Chaan and his were staying on their travels:

And it was the deepest blackness of night, and the disciples had found an inn to stay in, but the inn was rough, and invited rough people. The Chaan and his disciples came in, and hence, a man, taken in heavily by noxious spirits, came to strike Daniel. And the Chaan went forth to stop him, the rough man glancing upon him. The man cried out, and perished in unimaginable woes.

Folklore tells of several medieval tales in which enemies of the Gang perished at the sight of accurate drawings of the Chaan, who had permitted his followers to look at the depiction, but not others. One of the most famous is the lost Statue of Olomouc, which was used to defend Gs from a massacre at the last minute, at least four or five times. Unfortunately, this led to the Gang becoming associated with witchcraft in the medieval mind. Such tales became so well-known, that ‘to pull out a picture of the Chaan’ is still a stock phrase alluding to any quick and dirty solution to a problem.

If someone were to draw an image of the Chaan now, it would either be an inaccurate representation of his likeness, in which case it demonstrates lack of skill and therefore unworthiness of the drawing, whereas if it were drawn accurately, it would present a severe hazard to oneself and others around the author of such a depiction.