857176-23567352:articles:humour:mystery of camel

Humphrey Mullen

The Mystery Of The Camel

The mystery of why some camels have two humps, and others only one, is one that can be approached from many angles in quintography, depending on which of the various quintographical schools of thought one subscribes to.

A Classical approach using generation theory would be to determine from first principles that within the generator of the form "camel", there is an undergenerative and an overgenerative form, with respect to the quality of hump, and to therefore postulate the statistical distribution of these forms, giving rise to single-humped and double-humped camels roughly where they each appear.

Neo-Slanskyist numerologists like Janíček might analyze the numerical qualities of words used for camels across various languages, as semiotic forms produced by the mind are believed to reflect the ideal quintographical forms, as language is what the mind uses to link with other minds, creating a linkage of ideal spiritual substance, and so reflecting the absolute ideals of the universe.

The Austrian School (metaphysical operationalists) would argue that there is some sequence of mathematical operations that could be applied leading to an ultimate quintographical form: the single-camel, the double-camel, and three other types of camel which are yet to manifest but definitely exist in the spiritual realm.

Radical Blakeites (an offshoot of the Austrian School) would reject numerological methods, and focus on the fact that there are currently only two forms of camel-hump relationship, and thus at some point there was a collapse of the original quintographical camel-hump set into the dual set, which will eventually collapse again into a single set, before returning back to a quintography.

The Berlin School would affirm that quintography can find a way, construct eight auxiliary postulates which, if true, would flawlessly prove that there must in this present moment be two types of camel, detailing their history and their evolution throughout time, and their exact geographical distribution, their diet, their lifestyle, their proportions and behaviour, if only those postulates could be proven true.

A sextologist would spend five hours arguing with their fellow sextologists about how the sixth postulate must be necessary for the mystery of the camel, each disagreeing on the exact interpretation of the sixth postulate as Jyotsana Devi really meant it.