Your Gateway to the Consciousness


The color red is often used in symbolism across the world. It is probably not a surprise that the official color of SPQR2Gang is red, which came to be the unifying color of the third gang in 1873 upon official declaration by the Ilchaan, Handurz Chaan. The declaration listed a variety of reasons for the decision.

Dark pink

After the destruction of Baghdad by the Worldly Chaan in 1258 CE, the period of the Great Fracturing, lasting six centuries had begun. Towards the end of the Great Fracturing, SPQR2Gang was mostly spread across the nations of Western and Central Europe. Despite the Gang’s fragmentation, known ways of signalling and identifying membership developed. One of the most well-known of these was the symbol of the pink rose, very common in the late 16th and early 17th centuries, in particular in France, of showing that one was an SPQR2Gang member; references to which can sometimes be found in literature written in areas where SPQR2Gang communities were prevalent.

Despite the wearing of roses falling out of practice, Handurz Chaan and the officials of SPQR2Gang recognized the historical importance of the symbol, however as SPQR2Gang was a more matured version of the old fractured Gang, they decided on a “dark pink” or red color making reference to this symbol.


The crab, with its distinctive red colour, was also chosen as a great symbol of SPQR2Gang. The crab possesses eight legs, two of which are pincers, and with its exoskeleton it essentially represents the manifestation of an ideal ging warrior in the form of an animal.


One of the four Grand Titles bestowed onto the Grand Eternal Chaan during his Expedition to the Himalayas was མིག་དམར། (Mig Dmar), meaning Mars or The Red-Eyed One. The other three titles are མཐོ་རིས་ (Mtho Ris, Heavenly), མ་ཧེ་སྐུད་པ་ (Ma He Skud Pa, Water Buffalo Thread), མཐོན་དམན་ཁྲིམ་དཔོན (Mthon Dman Khrim Dpon, High and Low Judge).

A windmill in the province of Sistan and Baluchistan, Iran, which was historically close to the site of a prominent SPQR2Gang center.