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The GT Prayer

The GT Prayer (also called the 'Irkhta' prayer; 'GT' is not a sacred acronym) is one of the most common SPQR2Gang prayers. It is a simple chant of praise towards the Chaan, using his four GTs (Grand Titles). The four lines are often repeated several times between other prayers and SPQR2Gang rituals, but can also be chanted by oneself.

Macrons are added here to syllables that are long but would not normally written as such, to aid pronunciation.

The Prayer

Irkhtā Migdamar Bolar Chaan!
Irkhtā Mitorīs Bolar Chaan!
Irkhtā Maheskūdpa Bolar Chaan!
Irkhtā Gerekhsēmper Bolar Chaan!

The line Azbolar Gang Semper Tumaa is also sometimes inserted at the end.